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Turn Your USDA Commodities Into Food Students Love!

As one of the leading fruit and bean commodity processors for the country, our team of commodity processing experts is here to help you turn your diversions into menu options that drive student participation and help lower your food costs.  Schools nation-wide serve our Zee Zees brand Applesauce Cups, Diced Fruit Cups, Hummus and Bean Dipz.


Commodity Processing Pros

Commodity Processing is simple with National Food Group’s direct diversions by turning commodities into ready-to-enjoy Zee Zees products.

  • Divert commodities per state-specific processes
  • Dedicated sales team is ready to assist you
  • We ship directly or work with your distributors

How We Can Help

    • Freedom to place orders on your schedule, from single orders to the entire year
    • Meets USDA school nutrition programs
    • Front load ordering once the USDA purchase is verified
    • Minimized time from diversion to production
    • New product development to help schools utilize their hard to use commodities
    • Fee-for-Service and Net-Off-Invoice option

Diverting Is As Easy As 1, 2, 3

As a leading USDA nationally approved processor, National Food Group helps make the commodity diversion process simple. We’ll help you maximize your entitlement dollars and turn your commodities into Zee Zees individually wrapped snacks that students love.

Step 1 - Select Your Commodity Options

Decide which National Food Group items you would like to offer next school year. Not all commodities available in all areas; contact your sales representative for your state's available commodities.


Bulk Apples 110149, Pears 100225, Peaches 100220, Mixed Fruit 100212

Zee Zees Diced Fruit Cups Zee Zees Applesauce Cups




Garbanzo Beans 100360, Pinto Beans 100365

Zee Zees Original Hummus Zee Zees Red Pepper Hummus
Zee Zees Taco Hummus Zee Zees Original Bean Dipz™


  • Step 2 - Calculate Your Pounds

Download our commodity calculator to help plan your diversions for SY24/25. Just find the products you are looking for and input the desired cases and let the calculator do the math for you. We are here to help you through the ins and outs to make the diversion process easy. We’ll help you maximize your entitlement dollars.

Use our Zee Zees commodity calculator tool to help plan your diversions for SY24/25.

Zee Zees Commodity Calculator 

Fill out the form below to download your Zee Zees commodity calculator.

Step 3 - Divert Your Entitlement

Log in to your state or co-op food distribution website or WBSCM. Divert your commodities based on your commodity calculator worksheet and codes provided. We’d be happy to confirm the correct commodity codes with you if needed. Once your state agency submits your order and the USDA has purchased the commodity, your distributor or National Food Group representative will contact you about placing an order.