
Meet Our Product Innovation Team!

Written by National Food Group | Apr 22, 2022 6:00:00 PM

National Food Group is investing in a dedicated Product Innovation Team because innovation is one of our core values, and creating solutions for customers is at the heart of what we do. With the overall company growth, keeping up with customer demand is vital. Bringing in fresh perspectives and product development experience benefits everyone.

SAY HELLO to our Product Innovation team: Kemi, Product Innovation Team Leader, and Susan, the go-to for Zee Zees® Product Innovation.

What is product innovation all about, you may ask? Well, we've got answers!


KEMI (K): Product development and innovation is the process of bringing a product or idea from concept to market. It isn’t only about developing something new and original. It’s also about taking what’s already there and making it better!
SUSAN (S): Have you ever had a cool idea and wondered how to bring it to life? That’s where product development comes in! We create ideas by keeping up with market trends, understanding consumer pain points and needs, and see what technology is currently out there to turn our vision into reality.

Combined, Kemi and Susan bring over 20 years of experience building out innovative food solutions. It all starts with their love of food (as do all of us at National Food Group). Kemi and Susan's primary focus at National Food Group is to develop breakthrough products based on market trends. 

Speaking of trends, we asked what is one food trend that people should be watching?
K & S: Plant-based! Every food category has plant-based callouts, from pasta to desserts to meat.
Finally, we asked what is essential for everyone to realize in their field of product development.
K: Listening and understanding your target consumer. A lot of times, we have really great ideas and concepts, but they don’t always align with what the consumer wants or needs.
S: Also, failure isn’t a bad thing! You uncover key learnings that will help foster the success of a new one.

Thank you, and welcome Kemi and Susan! We are excited to see what products and solutions are coming next.
The team will be continuing to grow, so if you want to join National Food Group, visit for more information.